
Corporate Governance at Vishwas Agri Seeds upholds transparency, accountability, and ethical practices. Our framework ensures responsible decision-making, effective risk management, and alignment with stakeholders’ interests, fostering trust and sustainability.

The corporate governance of VISHWAS AGRI SEEDS the Company is described below.

Basic Views

The Company’s governing ideal is to contribute to development in agriculture, horticulture and related businesses while complying with the corporate ethics, based on the spirits of “Quality,” “Reliability,” and “Service,” which are the motto of the Company. Based on this ideal, we promote the management with the aim of achieving the following by providing high quality products and services:

  • Contribute to improving the lives and cultural conditions of people around the world
  • Become the world’s leading seed company

Securing the Rights and Equal Treatment of Shareholders

The Group strives to provide information to all stakeholders according to the basic policy of rapidness, accuracy, fairness and continuity in compliance with the related laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the rules on timely disclosure, etc. prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter, “the Timely Disclosure Rules”). Also, our policy is to disclose other information which does not fall under the scope of the Timely Disclosure Rules in a rapid, accurate and fair manner by an appropriate method based on the purpose of timely disclosure.

Appropriate Cooperation with Stakeholders Other Than Shareholders

We recognize that we should endeavour to appropriately cooperate with a range of stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable growth and create medium- to long-term corporate value. The Company’s governing ideal is to contribute to development in agriculture, horticulture and related businesses while complying with the corporate ethics, based on the spirits of “Quality,” “Reliability,” and “Service,” which are the motto of the Company. In addition, we are confident that our motto, management philosophy and other important beliefs are alive as the code of conduct in each employee because those beliefs are conveyed to and shared with employees in every scene, such as the ceremony of the Company’s anniversary of the foundation, which is held every year.

Ensuring appropriate information disclosure and transparency

We recognize that information disclosure is an important management priority and it is essential to appropriately disclose information in order to obtain our stakeholders’ understanding. In order to assure such recognition, information deemed to be important for shareholders and other stakeholders (including non-financial information) is voluntarily disclosed, in addition to disclosure required by laws and regulations. Also, we actively disclose additional information on our website to deepen the understanding on the Company.

Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

The Company’s Board of Directors has set the direction of corporate strategy. We have established an environment where appropriate risk-taking by the senior management is supported by formulating the Board of Directors Rules, Job Assignment Regulations, Authority Regulations, and other related regulations and clarifying – 2 – the duties and responsibilities of the Directors and each senior managerial position. We have also built a highly effective and independent audit system for Directors’ execution of duties by appointing outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Dialogue with shareholders

In order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term, we recognize that it is important to engage in active dialogue with shareholders on a daily basis, reflect their opinions and requests in the management, and nurture the Company together with shareholders.